How I am "Knocking Out" Diabetes


Stephanie describes the steps that she has taken on her journey to reverse her diabetes.

Stephanie enjoys her "Lean and Green" Meal

Stephanie enjoys her "Lean and Green" Meal


I started gaining weight when I was 12 years old. I tried using Lean cuisine, Jenny Craig, and other programs with some success, but they were too expensive and I lost my motivation to stick with the programs. My weight gain had its ups and downs for 21 years and worsened when I was diagnosed with diabetes in 2011. I had to take 4 medication for diabetes and I weighed 250 pounds. I was always out of breath and I didn’t like the way I felt or looked. For 6 years I struggled with my diabetes and my weight gain. 

My world changed on May 9, 2017. My beloved grandfather lost his battle with diabetes several months after his leg was amputated due to poor circulation and gangrene. This was a real wake up call for me, because I don’t want to go down that road! 

I called my doctor and she recommended getting on a meal replacement program called OPTAVIA. I eat 5 packaged meals like bars, soup, shakes, etc., then I have 1 lean and green meal like salad with broiled chicken per day. My mom helps me shop for lean and green meals, and I am learning how to cook my lean protein in a variety of ways. Today I am making chicken and vegetables stir fry for the first time. My family have been supportive, and helped me to become more active. 

I have made several lifestyle changes. First I cut out the junk food! Next, I started walking my dog, Rosa for 30 minutes 2 times a day. My brother’s girlfriend invited me to a fitness boot camp class, which kicks my butt! I go every Monday at 6:00 am at Pioneer Park. My brother bought me me my first boxing gloves when I lost my first 25 lbs. Instead of watching as much tv, I punch the punching bag during my free time. I also drink a lot of WATER! I have lost 40 lbs. and my A1C dropped from 7.5 to 5.7, So my Dr. took me off 2 of my diabetes medications! 

But my story is not over. I still want to lose another 50 lbs, get off ALL of my meds, and remain active. I want to start a walking meet up on Saturday mornings and invite clients, staff, family, and friends who want to lose weight and be active. So let’s motivate and inspire each other to keep our weight loss success going. 

If you would like to contact me at to join my meetup, feel free!
